Thursday, August 23, 2018

“It all starts with a Song.” Ben Lomond, CA, September 25 – 30 2017

It was truly a privilege to join a community of 28 folk in Ben Lomond, high up on a mountain, amid clusters of awe inspiring Sequoia Trees. This retreat center in California, originally founded by the Quakers, proved to be inspirational location to explore the theme “It all starts with a Song.” We were encouraged to tell stories, craft words and create music from within the stories of our lives.

The retreat was led by Judy Stakee, who spent 20 years as Senior Vice President of Creative Development at Warner Chappell Music. In 2009 she left the corporate world in order to develop her own company focused on creative development in three areas; body, mind and soul.

Days began with an hours yoga before breakfast (a personal challenge), a morning seminar and a three hour afternoon activity that involved collaborating with two other folk, creating a narrative upon a suggested theme, then turning that narrative into a song. The song then had to be performed to the critique of the wider group in the evening. While official programming came to an end around nine thirty, stories and songs around the campfire continued into the wee hours.

There were some amazing young (and not so young) songwriters among the group. Since the retreat a number of them have gone on to release singles and explore other avenues available through today's internet. (Below are links to just a few of them.)

For myself it was a reminder that the songwriting task is both a great gift and a great challenge. There is always a whole lot more to learn. It was great to collaborate with others in writing, something I have not done much in my life. Since the retreat I have been in touch with a few folk who attended similar retreats and attempted a few joint writing sessions. Some worked out... some didn't.

"Bad Day, Bad Day" written with Nick Ryan

I was spurred on to update my website, sing a few more open mikes and even released a single “Pig On A Train” on CD Baby and across multiple platforms, (such as I-tunes and Spotify.) To date it has not returned as much as I financially invested. (Which thankfully was not a lot). Oh well.

There is an alumni retreat being held near Nashville, October 2018. It will be a chance to meet a whole different group of folk who have attended similar retreats, ask questions and do further collaborations. Looking forward to it!

 Judy Stakee ... Website  and on Wikipedia
 Luke Yates (Co-Retreat leader)

Just some of the awesome folk I met... please check out there awesome music :-)

Sabrina Lentini
And if you are reading this and you are not in the list message me on FB with your info  ....


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